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50% data gurus | 50% creative animals

Clarks shoes

The Social Hub

Foef proef quiz

European Union

Sacha Cosmetic

Africa FASWeek


Tasks: Campaign management, art direction, model placement and survey research.


Clarks, is a British-based, international shoe manufacturer and retailer. They are both shoemakers and pioneers and often challenge different designers from shoe design schools to participate in their special shoe contests.

The challenge

With its 200-year legacy of sustainability and social responsibility, Clarks noticed a lack of diversity among models in their and the wider shoe industry. This lack of representation missed the chance to connect with a broader audience and reflect their diverse customer base. Clarks decided to make a bold statement on diversity during an upcoming shoe design awards to emphasize inclusion, especially for future designers and young audiences, aiming to spark awareness and foster meaningful engagement.

Our approach

Instead of a loud campaign, we orchestrated a subtle yet impactful disruption. For the prestigious award show, we strategically paired each designer with models of color. This wasn’t just about showcasing the shoes; it was a conversation starter about representation in the fashion and shoe industry.

The outcome

The initiative broadened Clarks’ reach, connecting with a more diverse audience and increasing brand visibility among underrepresented groups by 30%. Post-campaign surveys revealed a 25% improvement in brand perception, with consumers expressing appreciation for Clarks’ proactive approach to diversity and social responsibility. This positive shift in perception is expected to translate into increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

The Social Hub

Tasks: Community engagement strategy, event planning, content planning, brand positioning, survey research and data analysis.


The Social Hub (formerly The Student Hotel) offers a blend of student housing, professional short stays, hotel rooms, coworking spaces, and social areas. With trendy designs and quality accommodations in 17 European cities, it focus to create a connected community for students and business guests alike.

The challenge

The Social Hub aimed to increase coworking space usage in Rotterdam and The Hague by attracting young freelance entrepreneurs to boost revenue and enhance community experiences. They faced a challenge in positioning themselves as the top choice for freelancers seeking flexible, inspiring work environments in a competitive market. To address this, they wanted us to enhance community engagement by organizing business workshops tailored to their target audience’s interests. The aim was to stand out in the crowded business event market by focusing on unique layouts and topics.

Our approach

We distributed surveys to existing members and potential attendees in various business groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. We collected information on their interests, preferred topics, and ideal class times. Additionally, we researched past entrepreneurial workshops targeting similar demographics and areas. Our analysis focused on identifying patterns in workshop topics, branding, and overall delivery to differentiate our offering.

The outcome

After combining the datasets, we found that young entrepreneurs prefer hands-on, engaging workshops that blend fun with education, avoiding overly serious or preachy tones. We also observed a growing interest among female entrepreneurs in attending these workshops. To cater to this demand, we organized a series of four workshops in Rotterdam and The Hague featuring interactive topics like “Faking Fabulous” and “Failure Fest.” All workshops sold out, and 8% of attendees chose to join coworking spaces at The Social Hub.

The Foef Proof Quiz

Tasks: Data collection strategy, UI design, UX design, user research and full stack development.


A new vagina lifestyle brand aimed at promoting vaginal health wanted to better understand their audience. Being new to the market, it was crucial to know their customers’ needs and preferences. Traditional methods like surveys and focus groups didn’t seem sufficient due to the personal nature of the topic.

The challenge

To tackle the challenge of understanding their customers’ needs and preferences better for their market launch, the brand approached our agency for an innovative data collection method. We suggested a fun and informative quiz game, accessible via both webpages and an app, to engage users and gather insights about their vaginal health.

Our approach

We created the “De Foef Proef” quiz by crafting engaging and informative questions about vaginal health and preferences. Each question aimed to gather insights into different aspects of these topics. We focused on making the quiz visually appealing and easy to use. Using JavaScript and React Native, we ensured the quiz worked smoothly on both web and app platforms, providing an engaging experience for users.

The outcome

Unfortunately, midway through the project, the brand underwent a significant reorganization and canceled the quiz game. Despite this setback, we enjoyed the creative process of designing the game, from developing the questions to the interface design. This experience highlighted our capability to develop engaging applications for data collection.

European union

Tasks: Customer needs research, in-depth interviews, data analysis, content planning and stakeholder engagement.


Horizon 2020 was the EU’s research and innovation funding programme from 2014-2020, boasting a budget of nearly €80 billion. Its aim was to support young entrepreneurs across the EU, particularly in countries that had recently joined, such as Croatia. Despite this initiative, Croatia faced significant challenges in fostering youth entrepreneurship, partly due to a history of high youth emigration driven by declining job opportunities.

The challenge

The primary challenge was understanding why Croatia, despite the financial support from Horizon 2020, struggled to cultivate a robust culture of youth entrepreneurship. It was crucial for the EU to stimulate Croatia’s economic growth by investing in its younger generation. However, identifying and addressing the barriers that deterred young Croatians from starting their own businesses was essential.

Our approach

We participated in the Horizon 2020 tender, collaborating with Croatian partners to investigate the underlying reasons for the lack of youth entrepreneurship. We asked young Croatians about entrepreneurship, gathering data on demographics, education, and jobs. We also looked at how emigration affects local startups and examined attitudes towards entrepreneurship, including risk aversion and community support.

The outcome

We proposed solutions such as mentorship programs, startup incubators, and improved funding accessibility. Partnering with EU Academy, we developed educational initiatives and provided free entrepreneurship workshops at middle schools. Additionally, we offered students free vouchers for tech festivals across Croatia. We also provided a roadmap for the EU and Croatian authorities to enhance these strategies.

Sacha Cosmetics

Task: Target audience analysis, observational study, influencer outreach, experiential marketing campaign, art direction and product placement.


Sacha Cosmetics, founded in Trinidad and Tobago, is renowned for its advanced makeup products designed for multicultural women. The line includes a wide range of high-performance products that look stunning on light, medium and dark complexions. The brand has reached a fair amount of exposure in the US and West-Indies but that did not count as much for Europe.

The challenge

The company approached us to enhance its brand presence in Europe, starting with the Benelux region. The primary goals were to generate product awareness and drive traffic to their selling points and eCommerce platforms. However, the challenge lay in not fully understanding the European target audience, making it difficult to determine the most effective marketing tools.

Our approach

After the demographic research phase, we organized free, interactive workshops on makeup techniques for participants with different skin tones. This was solely to gain insights into how our target audience prefers to be marketed to. By observing participants’ reactions and preferences during the workshops, we gathered valuable data. Additionally, we conducted behavioral assessments with volunteers, offering free makeup samples in exchange.

The outcome

Our workshops provided valuable insights into our target audience’s preferences and behaviors. We found that 75% of participants wanted more education on applying makeup to colored skin, and 55% were more likely to buy products after watching influencer tutorials. Based on this, we did 30 product placements with influencers, significantly boosting Sacha Cosmetics’ online presence in the Benelux.

Africa fashion week

Task: Campaign management, brand activation, art direction, sampling, public relations and on-location social media activation.


Africa Fashion Week (AFW) is an annual celebration of African fashion and culture, showcasing inspirational exhibitions and fashion shows by international designers. Launched in Amsterdam in 2014, after successful events in Paris, Berlin, London, and Prague, AFW aims to contribute to the global development of African luxury and mainstream fashion.

The challenge

Despite its vibrant displays and cultural significance, AFW faced difficulty engaging younger, digital-native audiences who consume fashion content predominantly online. The challenge was to create a compelling presence that resonated with this demographic, encouraging their active participation and interest.

Our approach

We led marketing activities for Africa Fashion Week in Amsterdam to boost awareness and engage the younger audience. Our ad campaign featured African women in traditional prints, promoting culture across various media channels. Young influential bloggers received VIP access to enhance online visibility through live reports. We organized a press conference, where models in traditional African attire posed like statues, creating a human maze effect. To attract young attendees, models paraded in African clothing through the city in flashmob style.

The outcome

We secured coverage in 30 media outlets through a captivating press conference and flashmob outreach. By involving influencers with younger audiences and running a hands-on ad campaign, we boosted AFW’s Instagram presence by 15%, with 8.5% of new followers aged 20 to 35.